Red Light Therapy
Photobiomodulation (Red Light Therapy) is the process of distributing low levels of red or near-infrared light across the body boosting its trillions of skin cells. The powerful lights penetrate the skin being absorbed by its cells, promoting healing and regeneration via mitochondria. The chemical energy produced by the regeneration of the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Our commercial red light therapy systems offer a personal healing experience. With over 17,000 LEDs and 360 degrees of optimized light waves sitting closer to the body than competing products, our pods offer the most powerful healing experience on the market today.
Our products offer an effective and completely automated solution for pain management, cellular healing, aesthetics, and overall improved health. We use advanced technology to create the deepest red light penetration of any photobiomodulation bed or pad in the industry.
Our Red Light Therapy pods and pads are used across multiple sectors from sport, spas, medical rehab centres, wellness centres, pain management centres and also for home use.
Wavelength penetration of the skin
Red light application on the skin is effective in the penetration range of approximately 630 nm to 660 nm reaching penetration depths of several centimetres. To achieve a whole body benefit along with deeper penetration of the skin, effective mobilisation of the water molecules and improved blood circulation, near infrared light is also incorporated at 850nm.
This powerful light combination of 630, 660 and 850 nm enables enhanced absorption of red light in the superficial tissue layers as well as ensuring an increased absorption into the blood vessels covering the entire body.
Rehabilitation in Sport
For treatments in sports and physiotherapy, our red light systems are used to achieve systemic deep effects. The application can increase performance, prevent muscular fatigue and accelerate regeneration.
When applied before exercise, sports performance is improved and blood circulation is boosted, as well as promoting the build-up of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) supplying the body with additional energy.
Applying immediately post exercise, Red Light Therapy promotes the regeneration of muscles and increases metabolic activity, reflected for example, in the accelerated breakdown of lactate.
Wellness & Beauty benefits
Red light therapy has been used for many years, to naturally reduce the causes of skin ageing and to improve the skin’s appearance.
The light has a regenerating effect on the skin, increasing natural collagen production and elastin synthesis as well as the metabolism of skin cells (fibroblasts), which can reduce wrinkles, scars, acne etc improving the overall appearance of the skin.
In contrast to invasive treatments such as injections, the skin is not injured, but rather red light therapy is safe, therapeutic and painless treatment having no side effects.
Treatments are used for a number of conditions such as improving the appearance of stretch marks, wrinkles, fine lines, psoriasis as well as boosting collagen, blood circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our Products
We provide 2 types of red light therapy units. The first being a pod and the second being the pad. The pod being an item used permanently used inside a building, where as the pad is able to be simply rolled up and taken away to anywhere of your choice making it fully mobile.
Our Pod, which offers full-body red light equipment, offers importantly 360 degrees coverage with over 17,000 commercial strength LED lights, omitting, 630, 660 and 850 nm of light.
Having automated settings for sports recovery, chronic pain management, arthritis and joint pain, wound and injury healing, anti-aging, and weight loss this unit is used by a multitude of clients from elite sport, rehab centres, through to spas and domestic use.

Our pods retail at £94,995 including delivery and installation (UK).
Providing a world first in a fully mobile Red Light Therapy pad, with over 2,200 630 and 660 nm lights penetrating your skin.
Used by elite athletes for away fixtures, clinics, treatments centres and usage at home, these pads provide the ideal alternative to its larger cousin, the pod.

Pads with over 2200 LED’s retails at £9,950 including delivery and installation (UK).